Intelligent Transportation Track

The Intelligent Transportation track aims to explore the advanced techniques, theory, applications, simulations, and architectures of the next generation transportation systems. With the help of emerging artificial intelligence and big data processing techniques, the next generation transportation systems should have good opportunities to overcome the challenges and obstacles in the past. The topics of this track include, but are not limited to, traffic operation theory, driver behaviour, traffic data management, autonomous driving, location-based services, traffic simulation, and edge computing. Our track particularly invites and encourages prospective speakers to share their work, findings, perspectives and developments as related to implementation and deployment of advanced intelligent transportation systems and applications.

Invited Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Ruimin KE
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at El Paso
Talk Title: Real-time Traffic and Road Surveillance with Parallel Edge Intelligence

Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Talk Title: Cooperative Path Planning of Large-scale Mobile Robot Groups

Jieming SHI
Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Talk Title: Effective Network Embedding Methods on Large-scale Graphs

Jingyuan WANG
Professor, Beihang University
Talk Title: LibCity: An Open-source Platform for Urban Spatio-temporal Prediction

Assistant Professor, University of Macau
Talk Title: The Real Impact and the User Perception of Sandwich Attacks in the DeFi Ecosystem

Huan YIN
Research Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Talk Title: Robust and Efficient Mobile Robot Localization Using LiDAR and Radar

Baochang ZHANG
Professor, Beihang University
Talk Title: Decoupling Causal Learning Method and Applications

Kuangyu ZHENG
Associate Professor, Beihang University
Talk Title: Towards Smart and Energy-efficient UAV Systems and Applications

Meixin ZHU
Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guangzhou)
Talk Title: Learning Realistic and Reactive Traffic Agents