AI and Big Data Track

This track aims to present the most recent challenges and developments in urban Big Data and intelligent technologies for smart cities. The broad emphasis of this track is on exploring how data-centric approaches can support the development of smart cities. The track provides the discussion on the following topics (but not limited to): Urban computing and Big Data analytics, Social computing and social network analysis for smart cities, Data analysis and machine learning for smart city applications, Big Data infrastructures and warehouses for smart cities, Privacy protection in urban Big Data, Future advancements of urban Big Data and intelligent technologies for smart cities.

Invited Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Assistant Professor
University of Turin, Italy

Talk Title: Analyzing Open-Source Software at Scale

Junyang CHEN
Assistant Professor
Shenzhen University, China

Talk Title: Sparse Enhanced Network: An AdversarialGeneration Method for RobustAugmentation in Sequential Recommendation

Zipei FAN
Jilin University, China

Talk Title: Retrieval-based Citywide Mobility Digital Twin

Jiarui GAN
Assistant Professor
Oxford University, UK

Talk Title: Stochastic Principal-Agent Problems: Efficient Computation and Learning

Curtin University, Australia

Talk Title: Multiple Instance Learning for Fault-Tolerant Structural Damage Identification

Pengfei WANG
Associate Research Fellow
Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Talk Title: Make Graph Neural Networks Great Again: A Generic Integration Paradigm of Topology-Free Patterns for Traffic Speed Prediction

Senior Lecturer
Griffith University, Australia

Talk Title: Manipulating Object Detector via Backdoor Attack to Catastrophic Overload